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[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #15 – Challenge the How – Leadership Models – Phil Geldart

[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today's Leaders - #15 - Challenge the How

Video Transcript:

As leaders, we are responsible for ensuring that the organization achieves the key outcomes that are vital to success within our functional areas. In managing others, one of our core tasks is to define the what—the specific objectives or goals that must be accomplished. Once we have defined the what, we assign it to our team members or individuals. They then embark on a journey to figure out how to go from where they are to where they need to be in order to deliver those outcomes.

In this process, we have the what and the how. As a leader, it’s my responsibility to define the what—what must be done—while the employee focuses on the how—how they will achieve the goal. In an empowered environment, employees should have the freedom to determine the best way to achieve the desired outcome. While the what is non-negotiable, the how is open to initiative and creativity.

Of course, as a leader, I may be involved in shaping the how, but fundamentally, it’s up to the employee to figure out the best approach. The key message I want to leave with you is that I encourage employees to challenge the how, but not the what.

This distinction is crucial. I want my team to feel comfortable coming forward with ideas for improving the process. If they believe there’s a better, faster, or more efficient way to accomplish the task, I welcome those suggestions. Challenging the how is encouraged because it can lead to better results and innovations. However, the what—the core objective or goal—is not up for debate. It is my responsibility as a leader to define it, and it is the team’s responsibility to focus on achieving it.

So, challenge the how, but never the what.

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