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[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #5 – Communicating with Impact – Leadership Models-Phil Geldart

[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today's Leaders - #5 - Communicating with Impact

Video Transcript:

With other people, communication can be a real challenge. We often wonder, “How can I be really good at that? How can I be a better communicator?” I think it’s helpful to focus on the other person with whom we’re communicating and engaging in dialogue. I categorize this into three key areas.

Firstly, in terms of style—you can see I have “S,” “F,” and “P” here as a summary of where I’m going. Style: what style does the other person prefer? Are they casual, formal? What approach do they like me to take when communicating with them? If I choose a style they’re comfortable with, communication will be much better. So, just think about their style: formal, informal, casual, friendly, professional, relaxed, or a bit stiff. What’s their style? Go in with that in mind.

The second area is the importance of fact versus opinion to them. Some people just want to know what I think—”What’s your opinion on this? What do you think about that?” Others are more interested in the numbers, charts, graphs, or data. In my communication, I need to consider how much emphasis they place on facts versus opinion.

The third aspect is passion. Passion—really? Yes, but remember, fire kindles fire, and people often get excited when others are excited. We often share enthusiasm. So, I need to think about the person I’m chatting with and how important it is for them to see my enthusiasm and excitement. Do they want to feel that energy?

These three factors—what style they’re comfortable with, how important fact is to them, and how much they value passion—are crucial. If I can mentally address these three things before starting the conversation, just with a quick check, I’ll be more effective in my communication with them.

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