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[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #2 – The Sterling Silver Cord – Leadership Model – Phil Geldart

[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today's Leaders - #2 - The Sterling Silver Cord

Video Transcript:

As leaders, we often face the challenge of managing both strategy and tactics. A tool I’ve found particularly useful in navigating these areas is the “Sterling Silver Cord,” which consists of five distinct levels.

At the top of the cord lies strategy—where we define what needs to happen. At the bottom, we have tactics—the actual execution, often detailed in tools like a Gantt chart. In between, there are three critical nodes: plans, checkpoints, and initiative.

Here’s how this framework works for me: I start by asking, “Where am I on the Sterling Silver Cord?” Am I focusing on the strategy, setting the overall direction? Or am I working on a plan to execute the strategy? Maybe I’m at checkpoints, where I assess progress and look for specific indicators. I might also consider if I need to take some initiative to keep things on track. Finally, I look at tactics—the specific actions required to achieve the goal. This structure provides a clear framework for analyzing and managing my focus.

The real advantage of this tool is its flexibility. For example, if I encounter a roadblock at the tactical level, I can move up the cord to take some initiative, applying creative solutions to overcome obstacles. I might move further up to the checkpoint level, where I assess if I’m satisfied with progress. If I am, I return to the tactics; if not, I might adjust my approach by taking an initiative or even revisiting the plan itself if needed. This could mean acknowledging that the current plans are flawed based on checkpoint feedback and recalibrating to ensure effective delivery.

The Sterling Silver Cord provides a dynamic framework, allowing me to move between strategy, plans, checkpoints, initiative, and tactics. This flexibility helps me focus on the right level at the right time, ensuring that my objectives are met effectively.

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