In Gold of the Desert Kings, all teams face identical challenges. They are forced to be as productive as possible with their limited time and resources. They encounter sandstorms, superheat and the Tomb of Kings. Eighty percent of the teams that begin the journey finish it — while the others perish in the desert.
Gold of the Desert Kings addresses the issue of effort versus productivity. Participants are placed in circumstances with limited time and resources and must rely on their team to achieve their goals.
The pressures and anxiety experienced in Gold of the Desert Kings are similar to those experienced daily in a hectic work schedule. Participants contend with deadlines, a perceived lack of resources, others’ point of view and the pressure to just do something while trying to accomplish team objectives.
In-Person Experience 3-4 Hours
Discover how productivity-driven behavior begins with the end in mind
Learn the value of obtaining, evaluating and applying information
Determine the power of effective planning and generate the conviction to do it
Corporate events are our jam — we’re the masters of experiential learning. Engaging, relevant, and totally fun, our events are hassle-free and keep your team hooked