[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #14 – Impacting Outcomes – Leadership Models – Phil Geldart

[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #14 – Impacting Outcomes Video Transcript: As leaders, we are tasked with helping the organization achieve specific outcomes. These outcomes could relate to various aspects, such as the culture, the environment, societal impact, or organizational commitments like profit, sales, or customer centricity. Whatever the outcome may be, the […]

[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #10- Managing Accountabilities – Leadership Models-Phil Geldart

[VIDEO] Silver Bullets for Today’s Leaders – #10- Managing Accountabilities Video Transcript: As leaders, managing accountability is crucial—not only holding ourselves accountable but also ensuring that those we lead meet their responsibilities. To make accountability management smoother and to increase the likelihood that people consistently fulfill their commitments, I think there are a few strategies […]