The 9 Essentials of an Organizational Leadership Development Strategy

The 9 Essentials of an Organizational Leadership Development Strategy 1. Provide Top-Down Leadership In any transformation, engaging all levels of leadership is vital, and can be the difference between success and “just another training.” Within any organization, people follow their leaders. If the organizational focus is on a customer focused culture transformation, then the senior […]
“What Gets Measured Gets Improved”—But Then What?

“What Gets Measured Gets Improved”—But Then What? Measurement is a key component of any improvement scheme, both in life and in business. You see it everywhere: testing in schools to evaluate against benchmarks, using a scale to monitor weight-loss goals, and, of course, measuring success in organizational learning. However, measurement is not the only factor […]
Aligning Your Leadership Pipeline Model with Business Goals

Aligning Your Leadership Pipeline Model with Business Goals Having clear business goals is a key component of achieving long-term success for an organization. However, without qualified leadership to execute the vision for years and decades to come, the organization will likely struggle to reach milestones and stay on track. According to Brandon Hall Group’s 2015 […]
Strategy vs. Business Execution: What Matters More?

Strategy vs. Business Execution: What Matters More? As a leader, you have the power and skills to diagnose challenges and capitalize on strengths in a timely and effective manner—but business excellence doesn’t stop there. More often than not, the best-laid plans go awry because big visions are met with an unclear road map for execution. […]