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Employee Owned Safety Culture: Building Conviction to Ensure a Safe Workplace

A journey that amplified a culture into one full of intention, responsibility, and personal ownership over safety.

The 4 Dimensions of Positive Safety

Safety Culture is more than physical safety of avoiding bodily harm. The benefits of psychological safety results in the ability to contribute because I feel safe in terms of psychologically in my team and my organizational setting. Social safety around inclusion and how I feel like I really belong here. Finally, an organization’s impact on the environment is the final dimension impacting one’s sense of safety. 

What is a Safe by Choice™ Culture?

Looking at both safety incidents and employee behaviors to safety. Are incidents Increasing, are they static or are they decreasing? Are the behaviors of the employees highly reactive or highly proactive when dealing with incidents? Eagle’s Flight goal is to partner with organizations to be in the top right quadrant where incidents are decreasing and the proactive behaviors of employees that feel empowered to speak up and identify risks and how those risks can be mitigated. The complacent culture is the area that we are most worried about where incidents are static, and employees are neither reactive nor proactive.

Our Approach to Safe by Choice

the aspiration of the organization. Starts with executive alignment of why we are doing what we are doing.  Managers and supervisors in the organization are the ones that create that culture, and they either create it in a sustained and virtuous way where they feel empowered and therefore able to empower others. The third ring includes everybody that has a day-to-day role in the organization.  The three rings are supported by 4 activities – Communication, Measurement, Corporate Support, and Sustainment and Application.

Safe by Choice Program Options

 Full Day(In Class) or 4 Modules (Virtual)

During this highly interactive 1-day or 4 module program employees develop the mindset and behaviors to operate in a truly positive safety culture. The program builds conviction to take personal ownership to ensure safe outcomes and collaborate effectively to ensure that the safest and most effective working environment is achieved.

Full Day (In Class) or 3 Modules (Virtual)

To truly create a positive and productive safety culture we equip line manages with the skills necessary to role model the safety and cultural behaviors and then coach and require those behaviors on a daily basis while managing the real commercial pressures of their environment.

As a partner, we can help with the full culture transformation journey. We support clients in diagnosing their current reality, creating a prioritized roadmap to optimize impact, designing, and deploying all program elements, and then measuring and sustaining until it sticks… No Flavor of the month.

You're in Good Company

Why Do Organizations that are Committed to Creading an Employee Owned Safety Culture, Choose Eagle’s Flight?

 Experiential learning combines immersive activities that mimic real-world challenges with a targeted debrief that connects the lessons learned with the reality of the workplace. It allows learners to learn by doing, and not be just listening, reading, or watching. Because they have personally experienced the results (both successes and failures) that come with applying their existing skills learners retain more information, and are more likely to apply their new knowledge on the job.

Eagle’s Flight works with each client to determine the delivery method(s) that best suits the needs of their people and organizational realities.​ We offer in-class, virtual, leader-led and ongoing learner journey support to provide unique solutions to your unique needs.

Eagle’s Flight has internal and external subject matter experts that assist in the development of the programs as well as their delivery. ​


Safety Culture

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The Importance of Safety Leadership in the Workplace.

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