Safe By Choice™

We are a Global Safety Culture Provider with proven methodology and a customised approach

Despite existing protocols and safety measures in place, companies continue to face alarming incidents that jeopardise the lives of our workforce. The glaring truth is that our current safety practices are failing to effectively mitigate risks and ensure a secure working environment.

The experience

Safety and wellbeing at the workplace is a shared responsibility, not just the purview of one, designated team. In Safe By Choice™, we help leaders and employees commit to safe outcomes and develop a culture of achieving the safest possible working environment. It does not replace any of the existing safety standards of an organisation. Instead, it helps participants see these safety standards in a different light, making safety and well-being a conscious choice for all.

Ensure a safe workplace across all levels of your organisation by internalising existing safety standards and empowering your employees to look out for one another.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise that control is a choice

  • Build conviction to take personal ownership of safety outcomes and to follow established safety processes

  • Have open, quick, and effective communication with peers and leaders regarding safety

  • Share responsibility with others to create a safe environment

Case studies

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Safe By Choice™

Our Safe By Choice™ programmes build conviction among participants to take personal ownership to ensure safe outcomes and collaborate effectively to achieve that the safest and most effective working environment. 

Leading a Safe By Choice™ Culture 

To truly create a positive and productive safety culture, we equip line managers with the skills necessary to role model safety and cultural behaviours and then coach and require those behaviours daily while managing the real commercial pressures of their environment. 

Culture Transformation: Service Provider

As your dedicated partner, we specialise in facilitating a full culture transformation journey across all departments of your company. From collaborative diagnostics to designing prioritised roadmaps, deploying customised programme elements and measuring results, we ensure optimised impact for all departments such as operations, safety, HR and management. Together, let’s revolutionise your culture and elevate safety standards throughout every facet of your operations.

From developing human skills to transforming your organisational culture