Real Estate™

Participants will experience the thrill of Real Estate™ while sharpening their problem-solving skills and learning valuable lessons in communication, teamwork and leadership.

Participants will be handed the details of four real estate transactions and tasked with determining whether the fictitious couple made money, broke even or lost money.

What Participants Will Learn

  • Collaboration: Understanding around the interdependence of how understanding first produces trust, empowerment, alignment and buy-in
  • Persuasion: Identify the reasons why we default to ‘convince first’ behaviour and what it costs us. Discover why understanding first is more effective than convincing first. Expose the tendency to convince first
  • Maximising results: Balancing individual versus group decision-making and managing what can be controlled are important aspects of maximising results
  • Initiative: Take initiative and make a commitment to achieving all that is possible

Program Details

  • In-person
  • Up to 1000 participants

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